johnbakhmat's avatar


When did you start coding?

In 5th grade i was learning HTML, after that i made a full circle from HTML to Pascal (hated it), C++, JavaScript, C# back to HTML+JS/TS.

How did you learn to code?

Building stuff. © nexxel

What programming languages do you know?

I’m most comfortable with TypeScript. I’ve built some stuff with C# but I’m not going back. I also write some Elixir and Rust as well as Gleam and OCaml.

What are you working on nowadays?

Nothing big at the moment. Mostly studying and helping create-t3-app with localisation. The main focus now is a project called [rss-alligator] that is supposed to be a RSS aggregator using Discord bot as a frontend.

What is your favourite web framework?

Next is cool, i love how easy it is to use it. Astro is fire, this site is built with it. Looking forward into the future of framework with horse head twitter logo.

What code editor do you use?

I use Neovim. Here is my config.

What theme do you use?

I use Catppuccin

What font do you use for coding?

I use Dank Mono, Martian Mono or JetBrains Mono for coding. The monospace font being used in this website is Martian Mono.